The Anatomy Education Podcast is a new adventure that aims to share the latest news and opinions.
Having taught anatomy to medical, biomedical and dental students for over a decade, I have developed a personal interest in understanding the most effective ways to support anatomy learning. From screencasts and eBooks, to social media and MOOCs, I have tried to be as innovative as possible with my teaching, while simultaneously trying to ensure these approaches are grounded in the latest evidence-based pedagogy. Moreover, where that evidence is lacking I have attempted to conduct rigorous research studies that hopefully add something meaningful to the field.
But, working in higher education is never something that can be done in isolation and alongside the students, who keep me coming into work everyday, I have had great support from colleagues and friends who I have shared, discussed and even argued with, to support my own development as an anatomy teacher and ultimately provide my students with a better learning experience. It is this approach, of discussing and sharing, which I hope to maintain with The Anatomy Education Podcast – to share information,to exchange views and to continue learning. With interviews, conversations, conference updates and the latest news and opinion from current anatomy education research, this podcast adventure hopes to promote the cutting edge anatomy education that is currently underway around the world.
If you have a new project that you would like to share; some research you would like to disseminate; a controversial view you would like to get off your chest; a new anatomy programme that you would like to highlight; in fact, if you have anything anatomy education related that you would like to chat about, please get in touch using the contact page.
I hope you enjoy the podcast and look froward to hearing from you!
Dr James Pickering